Thursday 30 June 2011

Introduction to the world of Image & Image Management

Image is a ‘mental conception’ of a person or an organization. Image is the beliefs that we have about someone or something. It may be the impressions we form. When meeting someone new, or it may be an individual’s or company’s reputation developed over time.
Our impressions about other people may be based on how they look, talk or behave. A persons overall “image” may consist of a variety of factors like their clothing, grooming, tone of voice, vocabulary, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures and social behavior ( known as etiquette).
Public opinion about companies can be influenced by advertising, when visiting their retail outlets, speaking with customer care representative, branding and logo designing.
It takes only10 seconds of meeting with you that your peers, co-workers, boss – everyone – determined three things about you?

For good or for bad, whether they’re right or wrong, within 10 seconds your contemporaries pigeonholed you somewhere along the gradients of three categories. They determined in just a few seemingly meaningless moments:

1) Your socioeconomic status
2) Your educational level
3) Your desirability

In other words, they’ve determined how successful you are now, ergo how successful you are likely to be in the future. They’ve determined how intelligent you are, ergo how competent you are, or worse, how easily you can be taken advantage of. And last, they've determined how valuable you are over all.

Before a single word slips from your tongue, they’ve got you pegged. So how is it that within such a nominal amount of time, so many people can make so many decisions without even realizing how they’ve done it?

The short answer?

Like it or not, the “line” of your clothing and the colors you wear from your hair right down to your shoes says volumes about you. Just as an architectural plan is indispensable to a building’s construction, so too is a plan for your image. Think about it. Would you disregard the advice of an architect when creating a structure designed for beauty, practicality and steadfastness? Of course not.

But every day, millions of business people just like you get dressed and walk out the door without a single thought to the hidden messages their clothing, accessories and overall appearance reveals. Why?
Because they simply don’t know what they don’t know. Dressing without understanding the rules of color, color psychology and “line” of clothing, is like building a house without an architectural plan. Odds are, you will undermine your credibility and not even know it.

That’s why RIGHT NOW is the time to design YOUR IMAGE – using the most effective tools and principles available.
So your image is your reflection, perceived by others either good or bad it depends on How you project it. Your image is responsible for the perceptions made by others as an individual and ensures how distinctively you stand out from others.
A positive image is a mirror of self confidence and achievement leading to a path of success.
Recent studies have shown that appearance certainly does count when it comes to getting higher salaries. Identical resumes were sent to recruiters accompanied by different photographs of the supposed interviewee. Starting salaries proposed ranged between 8 to 20 percent higher when the image presented by the interviewee was professional and well groomed over the same interviewee that looked mediocre

Appropriateness; it above all things signals that the wearer understands what level of dress is most suited to their industry, position, business occasion, figure type, weight and the message that they wish to transmit. People you meet will automatically accept the role that YOU have packaged yourself for. The first step in gaining a credible and professional image is realizing that you can control the opinions of others, especially concerning what they think you are capable of. Everyday dress and act in a way that gives others a great experience of you. While good impressions can be achieved in less than 90 seconds, the same can be just as quickly destroyed by a poor last impression. Even when rapport has been established with a client or customer never leave them feeling unappreciated, or brushed off as they are likely to dwell on the experience and associate it with other previous minor misdemeanors (now blown out of proportion) and may decide to check out your competition.
The impression you make on others can be broken down into 4 basic components. Each is judged subliminally and by degrees e.g. Not only will you be judged as trustworthy or not but how trustworthy you appear to be will also be determined.

The four basic components are:

  • Your Credibility: Your level of believability, apparent qualifications, level of intelligence, competence, trustworthiness, honesty, and sincerity. 
  • Your Likeability: How likeable: endearing, affable, emotionally expressive and sociable you appear to be and how much you are like them as portrayed through your dress, behavior, voice, seniority, experience, nationality, age, sex etc.
  • Your Personal Attractiveness: Not how slim, young or fashionable you are, but how well you manage and present yourself as you are. Great grooming and dress sense says much about your level of self-esteem, self-respect, and confidence.
  • Your Confidence: Your apparent level of power, ability, personal assuredness and authority, etc.
Your appearance strongly influences other people’s perception of your:
  • Financial success
  • Authority
  • Trustworthiness
  • Intelligence
  • Self esteem
Your verbal and nonverbal communication skills influences people’s behavior towards you like:
  • Complying with you request
  • Trusting your information
  • Hiring you or purchasing your product
  • Your confidence
  • Loyalty
Image has an impact in people’s private life as well.
Example- Go to shop at a fine store dressed in what you would normally wear as a routine, like you wear when at home. Then visit the same store looking well groomed and wearing your BEST. Observe how you are treated by staff, in both the situations.
Our image can have a significant effect on our happiness by affecting friendships and family relationships.

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