Sunday 11 September 2011

Handshakes: "Speak a lot about you"

Handshakes are used in greetings, meetings, introductions and day to day life situations. The way you shake hands speaks a lot about you as a person, your self Image you want to project, your authority, position and how friendly you are to bond with others confidently.

Few hand shakes which reveals what kind of a person you are..
1) Cold clammy hand  You are showing your nerves i.e you are nervous and this could be a let down to others.
Make sure your hands are dry and clean.
2) Bone crusher  Are you a breaking bone kind? making people wince when you shake hands shows that probably you are insecure..thus you try to overcompensate it by trying to one up the person.
3) Finger hook  You reach for someone's fingers instead of palm, shows you are indecisive and in a rush..
4) Limp Fish      Giving your hand partially like a dead fish shows lack of interest and shows insecurity and fear. You are not allowing him to know that you exist.
5) Two handed grip  It is a sign of friendship and informality . Men need to be careful about using this style with women, unless they are too familiar.
6) Fist Bump  Save it for your buddies outside your office.

Perfect Hand shake...
Best hand shake is when you stand up as the person approaches you or extending your hand when you are about two to three feet away. Extend your arm angled across your chest with your thumb side up and make a confident eye contact with a smile. Shake hands two to three times before letting go.
Give a firm hand shake and show your warmth and confidence. Hand shakes lead to the perceptions  made about you by others and are also responsible in creating everlasting ' First Impressions'. It also helps in building a rapport between the individuals so next time while shaking hands remember these simple pointers..
  • Rise if seated ( both for men and women)
  • Walk up to the person confidently.
  • Keep your hands out of your pockets and keep your right hand free.
  • Smile briefly but don't overdo it.
  • Make eye contact but don't stare or look at your shoes.
  • Face the person heart to heart.
  • If your hands are clammy or wet, wipe them first with a handkerchief or tissue.
  • Reach out your right hand with confidence and smile.
  • Hand should be straight with thumb on top.
  • Make palm to palm contact.
Hand shake is a very important element in communicating your personal image and intent. It speaks a lot about you as a person and what you think, so next time get ready to make an everlasting first impressions and reach the success in life.....

To know more about hand shakes like when  and when not to extend hand ? What to do when the other person is eating or his/ her hands are full?, When you meet some one of higher ranking? or what to do when you leave the house or the meeting gets over? or probably when you travel how about the international protocols? or when you face a female client /boss? For a detailed description contact 'my Aura' Image, Etiquette and Business Consultants.

my Aura is always there in case you need any further information.
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